Respect, everybody needs it.

The guys who carry the heavy load

of human cleanups must tire

when they never hear
their names called sir.
Hey you! This and that.
Come on now, get it done.
We’ll thank you later
if we think of it.
One split second of gratitude
to one another as the race goes on
will help the self-respect concept
to include us all.
the guy who lives outdoors by the tracks.
If we must, to live a life,
however full or empty,
think that some have more seemly takes,
we must have overlooked,
danced right by, been lost at sea.
We all meet the same fate,
are felled by the same diseases,
mourn, wailing, the same losses,
meet the same widespread indifference.
Smile a smile. Ignore the rude.
Cross that invisible line.
Respect, just for being human,
and most of all
For surviving the condition,
thank you, sir,
no matter what, no matter where,
everybody needs it.
©Patt 2016 | “RESPECT”